Monday, September 23, 2013

Preventing Side Effects from Vaccines!!

I know, I know.  Vaccines are so controversial and I for one respect all opinions so long as we have access to both sides of information.  It is hard enough being a parent, and making decisions for your baby can be challenging.
Disclaimer: This information should not be substituted for seeing a health practitioner.  This is merely what we do with our baby to prevent any side effects from vaccines. One should see a health practitioner for proper dosing and if their baby is on any medication.  
I give our baby foods that are high in sulfur 2 days before her vaccine and 2 days after.  Sulfur increases our bodies defenses against toxins, which are often found in vaccines.  Some foods that contain sulfur are egg yolk, liver, molasses and onions.  I usually give her an egg every day and liver twice per week.
I also give her fermented cod liver oil by Green Pastures as this oil is high in vitamins A and D, both which keep our immune system strong and vitamin A is depleted when there is a fever.  It is important to get fermented cod liver oil as it is more bioavailable (meaning the body absorbs more of the important nutrients in this oil).   I have been giving her this daily since she was 8 months old as it is also good for brain development and may protect the brain as well.
Thuja is a homeopathic remedy that helps to prevent and treat side effects from vaccines.  I give our baby a dose 2 hours prior to her vaccination and another dose immediately after.  I am a fan of homeopathic medicine as it is very safe.
There is also a Chinese herbal remedy that may be given called shi wei bai du san but one should see a licensed acupuncturist to see if this is needed.  This formula clears heat and toxins out of the body and supports the immune system.

I hope some of this information is helpful and helps give some parents some peace of mind if they give their children vaccines.

Cowen, Thomas and Morell, Sally Fallon. (2013). The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care. Washington, DC: New Trends Publishing, Inc.
Keneipp, Shelley. (2012). The Practical Guide To Homeopathy For Children. UK: Motivational Press.